Cartan form plus exact is base

Suppose that represents a cohomology class in the Cartan model:


When acts freely on , we can find a -exact form such that:

  is horizonthal, i.e.

and therefore  

This is the corresponding base form.

This is easier to see using the Weyl model. They Weyl complex is . The existence of the homotopy operator (cp. Eq. (4)) implies that this complex has the same cohomology as .

Notice that we need the connection , in order to build the horizonthal combination .

More explicitly:


Introduce new variables:

Eq. (11) implies that we can remove and from the cocycle, by adding a -exact expression, effectively replacing with and with .

Because of the -invariance, replacement of with corresponds to the horizonthal projection.

On the next page we will give the explicit formula for passing to the base form.