On this page:
1 Complexification
2 Geometry of Lorentzian worldsheet
3 Deforming the Lorentzian metric
4 Left-deforming vector fields
4.1 Definition
4.2 When left-deforming is conformal?
5 Left vector fields

Complexification of the worldsheet

We want to define some class of BRST-exact deformations of the theory, which may be considered “purely left”. We will show that this class is preserved by a subalgebra in the algebra of vector fields which we call “left-deforming”. We will also consider some naturally defined subalgebras:

    1 Complexification

    2 Geometry of Lorentzian worldsheet

    3 Deforming the Lorentzian metric

    4 Left-deforming vector fields

      4.1 Definition

      4.2 When left-deforming is conformal?

    5 Left vector fields

1 Complexification

In order to consider the left sector from separately from the right sector, we have to relax the requirement that be complex conjugate to .

Once we do that, we would actually prefer to consider and both real, and call them and . This does not change formulas, but at the same time allows us to use some geometrical intuition.

In other words, we will consider the worldsheet to be Lorentzial, with the intent to do the Wick rotation at the end.

2 Geometry of Lorentzian worldsheet

Null-curves on the Lorentzian worldsheet are called characteristics.

Suppose that the metric on the worldsheet is .

Definition 1:
  • lines are called left-moving characteristics

  • lines are called right-moving characteristics

3 Deforming the Lorentzian metric

Let us consider some deformed metric.

Definition 2: a deformation of the metric is called “left deformation” if it has the same left-moving characteristics as the original metric. In coordinates, left deformations of are of the form:

The left-moving characteristics remain undeformed; they are tangent to . The corresponding deformed action for the bosonic string would be:


4 Left-deforming vector fields

4.1 Definition

Definition 3: A vector field on the worldsheet is called “left-deforming vector field” if its flux preserves the class of left deformations of the metric. In other words, the difference between the metric and its pullback by the flux is its left deformation plus maybe its Weyl rescaling. In other words:
  • left-deforming vector fields preserve the distribution

In coordinates they are of the form:

of course, the condition for to be left-deforming does not depend on

Left-deforming vector fields form a subalgebra in the algebra of all vector fields.

The Lie derivative of the metric w.r.to such vector field is:


Modulo the Weyl rescaling:


on the RHS, the expression in front of defines the variation of under

4.2 When left-deforming is conformal?

Eq. (3) implies the following condition for a left-deforming vector field to be conformal:

which can be also understood as follows:

is proportional to   

   is conformal

5 Left vector fields

There is a smaller subalgebra, consisting of those vector fields which are parallel to (i.e. to the left-moving characteristic). We will call them “left vector fields”.

Definition 4: the vector field is called “left vector field” if it is parallel to the left-moving characteristic. In coordinates they are of the form:

Left vector fields are automatically left-deforming. They are conformal when only depends on (and not on ).