On this page:
1 Contraction and Lie derivative
2 Symplectic structure and Poisson structure
3 Darboux coordinates

Odd symplectic manifolds

1 Contraction and Lie derivative

We define for a vector field as follows. If is even, we pick a Grassmann odd parameter and define:

Remember that parametrizes a point in the fiber of over the point in . Then is a new point in the same fiber, linearly depending on .

If is odd, we define as follows: . In coordinates:

The relation to Lie derivative:

2 Symplectic structure and Poisson structure

Consider a supermanifold , with local coordinates , equipped with an odd Poisson bracket of the form:

The Poisson bivector should be symmetric in the following sense:

The odd symplectic form can be defined from the following equation:

3 Darboux coordinates

In Darboux coordinates:
