Bosonic string quartet
We will now show how to integrate over metrics keeping the BRST operator nilpotent off-shell
1 Introducing additional fields
Let us return to our solution of Master Equation given by Eq. (1).
Let us add the “BRST quartet”
and modify Eq. (1) by adding
2 BRST operator is nilpotent off-shell
The first line does not depend on antifields, and the second line is linear in antifields; we omitted the “
” labels on antifields.
is the Lagrange multiplier for
plays the role of
The Master Action of Eq. (15) depends on antifields only up to first power
3 Form 
Since is nilpotent off-shell, we can use our procedure for constructing
in BRST formalism.
3.1 For standard family of Lagrangian submanifolds
3.2 Generic family of Lagrangian submanifolds
For the general family we have to use our general formula; there is no further simplification.
3.3 Equivariant 
Notice that there are two kinds of symmetries: diffeomorphisms parametrized by and
-shifts parametrized
by arbitrary
-independent functionals
should be
-independent follows from
It seems that we now have a larger symmetry group: instead of just diffeomorphisms we have diffeomorphisms
plus -shifts. This is probably related to adding additional fields.