On this page:
1 Choice of
2 Equivariant form
3 Recovery of the standard approach
4 What is “base integral form”?
5 Standard integration cycle

Integration over family of Lagrangian submanifolds

Here we will first use our prescription to construct the equivariant analogue of , depending on some motivated choice of the subspace . We will then implement the standard procedure to construct a closed form on with some .

    1 Choice of

    2 Equivariant form

    3 Recovery of the standard approach

    4 What is “base integral form”?

    5 Standard integration cycle

1 Choice of

We will here make use of the standard choice of always applicable in the BRST case.

We will choose so that is the algebra of diffeomorphisms of the worldsheet:


where is a vector field on the worldsheet.

2 Equivariant form

The resulting equivariant form is:

where the term comes from and from of Eq. (5). The pairing is as in Eq. (2).

3 Recovery of the standard approach

Usually in the literature, the integration cycle is chosen so that , and therefore the term vanishes. Moreover, we do not even need to do the horizonthal projection of . This is a consequence of the following general statement. Suppose that and the integration cycle in the moduli space of Lagrangian submanifolds is such that:


In this case the construction simplifies:

We can now use the Baranov-Schwarz transform and interpret the integration of as the integration of over some new Lagrangian submanifold, which can be described as follows.

Consider {\em any} -dimensional surface in the space of metrics parametrized by :

(no need to require any holomorphicity). Let us consider a submanifold

defined as follows: it is the bundle over whose fiber at a point consists of the subspace of orthogonal to the tangent space to at that point. Notice that this submanifold is Lagrangian. We will promote to a Lagrangian submanifold in the BV phase space of the bosonic string by adding and (and keeping and ). We have:


Notice that we can use instead of because Eq. (6) is satisfied in this case. Indeed, and we choose the Lagrangian submanifolds so that ; this proves Eq. (6).

4 What is “base integral form”?

When some part of contains a gauge-trivial direction , then the integral of over that part is automatically zero. Indeed, in this case all the orthogonal to the tangent space to satisfy in particular and therefore the integral of over will give zero (because of the zero mode ). In this sense, is a “base integral form”.

5 Standard integration cycle

We will now discuss the “usual” (in the bosonic string theory) integration cycle on the moduli space of Lagrangian submanifolds. Remember that our Choice of is such that is the algebra of diffeomorphisms of the worldsheet. This allows us to construct the base form on the space of Lagrangian submanifolds modulo diffeomorphisms.

In order to be able to construct a closed cycle, we need to factor out by large (not only small) diffeomorphisms. Notice that only provides small diffeomorphisms. But then, why do we need this ? Technically it would probably be possible to factor out only large diffeomorphisms without including small ones. (For example, by restricting to constant curvature metrics. However, this would appear quite unnatural.

Remember that on a Lagrangian submanifold from the standard family the metric (same thing as ) is fixed, and the path integral goes over . This picture explains why we can identify metric with its pullback by a diffeomorphism: