Suppose that exists an with a connection such that the curvature is equal to
. Then we can realize the
central extension
as the group of automorphisms of this bundle.
We have the exact sequence:
which can be thought of as an exact sequence of algebroids over
, or just of Lie superalgebras. It
involves the Atiyah algebroid
whose anchor is
. The kernel of
is the
-dimensional space
. A connection is a split:
Suppose that we can find a “symplectic potential”
such that
. Then we can use it to
construct the connection satisfying:
is the vector field arizing from the action of
. (We can think of
as a coordinate
in the fiber; it is only defined locally, but
is globally well-defined.) Explicitly:
Let us consider the subalgebra
consisting of Hamiltonian vector fields. For every even (we will restrict to even vector fields for simplicity)
consider the following vector field on
It is defined to preserve the connection. An explicit calculation shows that the Lie derivative vanishes:
Notice that the vertical component of
(with respect to the connection defined in Eq. (1)) is
By construction, the space of vector fields of this form is closed under commutator. We can check it
directly, using the formula:
As a Lie algebra this is
. It integrates to the group of automorphisms of the
fiber bundle
which preserve the connection defined in Eq. (1).