On this page:
1 What is De Rham differential?
2 Action of wavy Lie algebra on PDF
3 Definition of connection
3.1 Algebraic interpretation
3.2 Geometrical interpretation as a lift

Theory of connections

1 What is De Rham differential?

A PDF on is a function on . Therefore a vector field on induces a differentiation of PDFs. This is the De Rham differential:

De Rham differential is induced by

2 Action of wavy Lie algebra on PDF

Suppose that acts on a manifold . Then, naturally, acts on . This implies that acts on PDF on .

3 Definition of connection

3.1 Algebraic interpretation

Connection on a -bundle is the same as homomorphism of -modules:

3.2 Geometrical interpretation as a lift

A connection on :


Eq. (7) can be interpreted as the condition that the action of on the vector fields commutes with the action of :

In other words, having a connection is equivalent having a “lift”:

such that vor any : . In other words, it is the same as the split of the exact sequence of algebroids over :

usually is called “Atiyah algebroid”; the projection is its anchor

The relation between and is:


(This is the subtraction of the vertical component; is called the “vertical component” of .) Notice that is an ideal in the Lie algebra of vector fields. The curvature is defined as follows:



It is straightforward to verify that where is a function on (but not on , because should commute with the action of !); this implies that the type of is indeed (9). Also notice that is automatically horizonthal. The Jacobi identity implies for any triple of vector fields :

This is the same as:

we identified as ; it was important that is -invariant; if it were not invariant, then we would not have been able to identify with the Lie derivative of along , because actually is not an -valued function but a -valued

We can also substitute (8) into (10) and get:

where the commutator is the commutator of the vector fields in . This concludes our short review of the connections in the principal bundle.