What happens to ?

In this section, we assume that the integrated vertex satisfies the full Master Equation:


(rather than Eq. (2)). Here with . We will also postulate that is diffeomorphism invariant, which means in our formalism that:


Eqs. (4) and (5) imply that is -closed:


but we will also assume (or just postulate) that it is -exact:


  -invariance of


Under these assumptions we can deform:


In other words:
  • the space does deform, according to Eq. (9), but the action of diffeomorphisms on this space remains the same (Eq. (8))

  • the BV Hamiltonian of diffeomorphisms stays undeformed

Is it true that the deformed remain in involution modulo -exact? Notice that the deformed is automatically -closed under already taken assumptions:

Opening the parentheses, we derive that the expression is -closed:

Let us assume that it is also -exact:

(the validity of this assumption depends on the cohomology of ). Therefore, to the first order in the bosonic infinitesimal parameter :

Therefore the condition of being in involution persists, but with deformed :