Algorithm for constructing

We can construct such subalgebras in the following way.
  1. Start with some subspace satisfying the property:

    with some ; this implies that .

  2. Verify the existence of such that:


    If this is not the case, then we must declare failure (the original space was a bad choice). But if Eq. (36) is satisfied, then we define:

    It is useful to identify the subspace in the tensor algebra of consisting of tensors with the symmetries of the free Lie algebra. For example, we may interpret as degree two elements of the free Lie algebra generated by , because at the degree two the only relation in the free Lie algebra is antisymmetry:

    (where stands for “the commutator in the free Lie algebra”). We observe that under the condition (36) the “nested commutator” (with , and being any three elements of ) satisfies the Jacobi identity:

  3. Verify the existence of such that:


    where is the commutator in the free Lie algebra. If this is true, define:

    Otherwize, say that the original space was a bad choice.

  4. Continue recursively. For any Lie algebra, let us denote the “nested commutator” as follows:


    At each step, the only thing that we have to verify the existence of such that:


    This automatically implies, that any expression composed of letters (elements of ) using the operation (e.g. the nested commutator (38)) automatically satisfies all the relations of the free Lie algebra. In order to prove this, we notice that the nested commutator , provided that the condition (39) holds for any , is obtained from by putting in front of out of es, does not matter which ones. We only need to verify (39), because other Poisson brackets will be -exact automatically; for example:

  5. We define as the space of expressions composed from elements of using .

  6. Finally:

If this construction works (i.e. if we are able to verify the existence of satisfying Eq. (39) at every step), then the resulting can be understood as the space generated by the expressions obtained from generators of by using operations and , so that all but one generators enter as (and one remaining without ). Notice that all the expressions where the number of ’s is less than the number of minus one are automatically -exact, therefore Eq. (25).

Another interpretation (or rather consequence) of Eq. (39) is that those expressions constructed of from and commutators, satisfy all the relations of the free Lie algebra, for example:

There are generally speaking other relations between them, and therefore they are not a free Lie algebra. But they are a Lie algebra. We will denote this Lie algebra .

Let us look at our nested commutators:

We are simpy acting on by all the possible symmetries ,..., and thus “filling the multiplet”.