Example: Duistermaat-Heckman integration
Consider the case when our odd symplectic submanifold is the odd cotangent bundle of some symplectic supermanifold Let
be the projection.
denote the Poisson bivector of
. It defines the following solution of the Quantum Master Equation:
| |||||||
In this formula we define a half-density at
as a function on the space of bases (“tetrads”) in
, such that the value on two different bases differs by a multiplication by the super-determinant.
be a subgroup of the group of canonical transformations
. A canonical transformation
can be lifted to a BV-canonical transformation
as follows:
An infinitesimal canonical transformation of
generated by a Hamiltonian
lifts to an infinitesimal
BV-canonical transformation of
generated by the BV-Hamiltonian
Every point defines a Lagrangian submanifold in
: the fiber
. Therefore,
we can think of
as a family of Lagrangian submanifolds in
In this case
is the
of the subspace of Hamiltonians generating
The equivariant form