Partial integration of half-density
When some fields are integrated out, we get an “effective action” for the remaining fields.
be an odd symplectic supermanifold, and
be a half-density.
Suppose that we are given a submanifold
which happens to be a fiber bundle
with fibers isotropic submanifolds over some base
. This can be thought of as a family
of isotropic submanifolds. For every
we have the corresponding fiber, an isotropic
submanifold which we denote
. Moreover, we require:
(i.e. the degenerate subspace of the restriction of
is the tangent space of the
fiber). Since
, this condition implies that the Lie derivative of
along the fiber vanishes,
and therefore
defines an odd symplectic form on the base which we will denote
Finally, we require certain maximality property:
be a Lagrangian submanifold of
. Under the above conditions, it can be lifted
to a Lagrangian submanifold in
, where
is a natural projection:
We then define a half-density
so that for every Lagrangian submanifold
and every function
Suppose that we are given a function
whose restriction on
is constant along
Then it defines a function on
which we denote
Notice that in this case the flux
is tangent to
It is enough to prove that for any
constant on
. From the maximality of
, as defined in Eq. (1), follows that
is tangent to
. Since
is constant along
, it follows that indeed
We have:
Equivalently, for two functions
both constant along
In order to prove Eq. (2), notice that any vector field tangent to
can be written as
are some functions on
are some functions on
constant on
. The commutator with
of such a vector field is
again tangent to . This means that the flow of
brings fibers to fibers, which is equivalent to Eq. (2).
We will now prove that for any
whose restriction on
is constant along
Indeed, for any “test function”
satisfies the Quantum Master Equation on
, then
satisfies the Quantum Master Equation on 
satisfying the Quantum Master Equation is
equivalent to the statement that for any functions