On this page:
1 Interpretation as a descent procedure
2 Integrated vertex and Lie algebra cohomology
3 Comparison of and
4 Relation between integrated and unintegrated vertices
5 Various types of Lie algebra cohomology

Descent Procedure

Here we will show that the intertwining operator of Eq. (18) can be interpreted as the generalization of the string theory descent procedure, which relates unintegrated and integrated vertex operators.

    1 Interpretation as a descent procedure

    2 Integrated vertex and Lie algebra cohomology

    3 Comparison of and

    4 Relation between integrated and unintegrated vertices

    5 Various types of Lie algebra cohomology

1 Interpretation as a descent procedure

Consider an unintegrated vertex opearator . We interpret it as an element of the cohomology of with some ghost number :

usually in closed string theory and in open string theory

Eq. (18) allows us to construct from a cohomology class of , where is the Lie algebra cohomology differential of our Lie algebra with coefficients in , as follows:

This expression is “inhomogeneous”, in the sense that different components have different ghost numbers. Each application of decreases the ghost number by one, but at the same time rises the degree of the Lie algebra cochain. In the context of closed string, the top component coincides with , then goes , then and so on. In particular, is our interpretation of the integrated vertex operator.

We could have used instead of . We prefer to use because it leads to the local result.

Although contains integration, the odd Poisson bracket is local (i.e. involves a delta-function) and therefore removes the integral.

In string theory the use of such an inhomogeneous expression is often referred to as the “descent procedure”.

2 Integrated vertex and Lie algebra cohomology

We have shown that the cohomology of is the same as the cohomology of . The cohomology of can be computed using the spectral sequence, corresponding to the filtration by the ghost number. Let consist of the functions with the ghost number . At the first page, we have:

Therefore, if , then the cohomology of is equivalent to the cohomology of with values in .

3 Comparison of and

We have two operators satisfying the identical intertwining relations:

This suggests the existence of some operator such that:

This is an inhomogeneous operator-form:

TODO: write the full formula.

4 Relation between integrated and unintegrated vertices

Consider the special case of flat worldsheet. There is a subalgebra consisting of translations ( and ). Let us restrict to this subalgebra. This simplifies the computation because: . This is true even at the level of cochains. Therefore we have:

Going back from the Faddeev-Popov notations to the form notations: we obtain:


(here and is what remains of ). This is the usual integrated vertex operator of the bosonic string theory.

5 Various types of Lie algebra cohomology

We can consider three different cohomologies:
  • Cohomology of the Lie algebra of diffeomorphisms with coefficients in

  • Cohomology of the Virasoro algebra with zero central charge with coefficients in functions on a Lagrangian submanifold. If we restrict the cocycle of the Lie algebra of diffeomorphisms to the subalgebra preserving the Lagrangian submanifold, we get a cocycle of the Virasoro algebra. Again, we should go on-shell and take into account .

  • Cohomology of which computes the integrated vertex operators

TODO: work out the precise relation between these objects.