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Restriction of form to orbit
Slight generalization

Kalkman element

It seems that there is a general theme which plays a role here. It is basically Kalkman map between Cartan and Weyl models of equivariant cohomology.

    Restriction of form to orbit
    Slight generalization
    PDF on LAG

Restriction of form to orbit

Let us illustrate it by the following simple example. Consider a manifold with the action of a Lie group . Consider differential forms of mixed degree on . Pick a point and consider the orbit . Then, for every we can consider the differential form on :

This can be represented as follows:

(We think of forms on as functions on , and forms on as functions on .) The secret of the formula is:


Slight generalization

After the first step (which was ), we could have (instead of putting ) integrated over a submanifold where is some compact submanifold of . (Choice of a point is a particular case, when is one point.) If we take the whole group of diffeomorphisms of , then this prescription cooks out of an inhomogeneous differential form on the space of submanifolds .


We have some representation of . Then Eq. (2) still holds, where should be compatible with the differential of .


The group of odd canonical transformations, and its Lie superalgebra , acts on half-densities on the BV phase space. Moreover, there is an action of , where is multiplication of a half-density by the BV Hamiltonian of (which we denote ):

The canonical BV Laplacian is compatible with .

The Eq. (2) produces the PDF on (the string measure):
