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Half-densities as a representation of
Correlation functions as a Lie superalgebra cocycle


We will now apply the technique developed in the previous sections to the BV formalism.

Let be the Lie algebra of functions on the BV phase space with flipped statistics. Its elements are where is a function on the BV phase space and the suspension:

The Lie bracket is given by the odd Poisson bracket.

Half-densities as a representation of

The space of half-densities on the BV phase space is a representation of :

We are now in the context of 〚PDFs from representations of 〛. Now is , is the space of half-densities, is and is the space of functions on Lagrangian submanifolds.

Correlation functions as a Lie superalgebra cocycle

Correlation function defines a linear map:


where means symmetrized tensor product (examples of sign rules are in 〚Supercommutative algebra and its dual coalgebra〛).

Proposition 3 Eq. (29) defines an injective map from the space of half-densities to the space of cochains of with values in functionals on Lagrangian submanifolds; to every half-density corresponds a cochain given by Eq. (29). This map is an intertwiner of the actions of the differential Lie superalgebra . In particular, if satisfies the Quantum Master Equation:

then Eq. (29) defines a cocycle of with coefficients in the space of functionals on Lagrangian submanifolds.

Proof follows from Proposition 2.

The image of this map consists of the cochains satisfying the following locality property. Given , if for some and then . It is important for us, that this subset is preserved by the canonical transformations, i.e. by the action of on its cocycles.

Cocycles with coefficients in , defined by Eq. (29), can be interpreted as closed differential forms on , by the construction of 〚Mapping to PDFs〛. We take:

