Chevalley-Eilenberg complex of a differential module

In this Section, there is no nor . We forget about them for now. As a preparation for BV formalism, we will now discuss another formula similar to Eq. (11).

Consider a Lie superalgebra , its universal enveloping algebra , and its cone , generated by and , . We consider the quadratic-linear dual coalgebra . The dual space is the algebra of functions of the “ghost variables” . Following Section 3.4 of LodayVallette, the Koszul twisting morphism is:


We will study the properties of the following operator:

Since is quadratic-linear, comes with the differential . The dual differential on is the Chevalley-Eilenberg differential (the BRST operator):

Here is the “internal” differential of ; it comes from being inhomogenous (i.e. quadratic-linear and not purely quadratic algebra).

The Chevalley-Eilenberg complex with coefficients in can be defined for any -module . Consider the special case when is a -differential module , i.e. a representation of . We will denote , and the elements of representing elements , of and . (Then is also a representation of , where is represented by .)

Consider the Lie algebra cochain complex (= Chevalley-Eilenberg complex) of with coefficients in . The differential is defined as follows:

All this can be defined for any -module . But when is also an -differential module (i.e. a represenatation of ), then and are related:


where . Notice that Eq. (25) resembles Eq. (11). Indeed, both of Eq. (24) and of Eq. (4) are maps from coalgebra to algebra, satisfying the Maurer-Cartan (MC) equation. But the way MC equation is satisfied is different, because acts in the coalgebra (in ) while acts in the algebra (in ), see 〚Are Faddev-Popov ghosts?〛.

Since and are both -modules, we can consider a -module, as a of two -modules:

Proposition 1


In other words,


and define on the structure of a differential -module, and intertwines them.