On this page:
1 Fixing the Lagrangian submanifold
2 Modified de Rham complex of
2.1 Definition
2.2 Notations and useful identities
3 Intertwiner between and
4 Integration
4.1 The one-form component
4.2 The two-form component

Integration over the location of insertion points

1 Fixing the Lagrangian submanifold

Therefore we have to study the restriction of to the subgroup . We will for now assume that elements of are in involution (in our notations ).

We will make use of the fact that (as opposed to full ) preserves . This implies that the integration measure can be transformed to a fixed Lagrangian submanifold:


2 Modified de Rham complex of

2.1 Definition

We define the “modified de Rham complex” of as the space of -invariants:

where the action of is induced by the right shift on and the action of on ; in particular, any function of the form is -invariant. The differential comes from the canonical odd vector field on ; we will denote it .

The integrand in Eq. (1) belongs to this space:

On the next page we will demonstrate that this is the same as the Lie algebra cohomology complex of with coefficients in . This is a version of the well-known theorem saying that Serre-Hochschild complex of the Lie algebra with trivial coefficients is the same as right-invariant differential forms on the Lie group. This is a general statement, true for any Lie group (not only ) acting on any manifold .

2.2 Notations and useful identities


  so that the moment map




notice that


Generally speaking, in this section the tilde over a letter will denote the composition with :

   (a function  



Here are some identities that we will need:






Elements of the space can be obtained from letters and by operations of multiplication and computing the odd Poisson bracket, or applying .

3 Intertwiner between and

Consider any function (not necesserily -invariant). We have:

is just the product of two functions, and

In particular, when only depends on and does not depend neither on nor on . (i.e. when ):


In other words, the operator of multiplication by intertwines between and . After we integrate over the Lagrangian submanifold, becomes just .

4 Integration

4.1 The one-form component

4.2 The two-form component

TODO: continue to higher powers of .