Straightforward proof of closedness
The formula for the basic form This expression should be understood as follows. Notice that
an element of
, i.e. an inhomogeneous differential
form on
with values in polynomial functions on
. We then evaluate the
function on
; for example the polynomial
evaluates as follows:
We have to prove that
defined in Eq. (16) is horizonthal and closed.
The horizonthality follows immediately from the definition, because:
is essentially the projector on the horizonthal forms and
is automatically horizonthal
It remains to prove that
is a closed form. We have:
where the following notations are assumed:
- the symbol
denotes the symmetrically ordered expression:
in the first line, the
acts on everything that is (after symmetrization) to the right of it
in particular, it acts on
, giving
, which cancels with the second line