Case of coset space 
Here we will consider the case of a coset space as an example
Remember that means that we identify
be a subspace of
which is transversal to
and satisfies:
1 The Cartan complex of 
— the the right-invariant
-valued 1-form on
with values
. Notice that the contraction with
acts as follows:
The action of the Cartan differential on functions
In order for
to be nilpotent, we require the
-invariance of
2 Connection in the principle bundle 
2.1 Definition of a connection
We can construct a connection in
in the following way. Let us consider
horizonthal those vectors
which are orthogonal to the fibers:
The so defined distribution of horizonthal planes is
-invariant if Eq. (18) is satisfied. The connection form is a
-valued form on
It computes for every vector its vertical component:
2.2 Computation of curvature
Since the curvature is a tensor, it is enough to compute it on left-invariant
vector fields. For
we have the corresponding left-invariant
vector fields
, which are defined as follows:
The commutator of the two left-invariant vector fields is given by:
Let us project and then lift:
This can be also written as follows:
We will now compute the curvature using the definition Eq. (10), in the
following way. Notice that for any two vector fields
we have:
and therefore:
Let us define the right-invariant vector fields by the formula:
Now, as a check of Eq. (21), it implies for the right-invariant fields:
This implies:
Therefore the curvature on the left-invariant vector fields is determined by
the following formula:
Since the curvature is a tensor, we can now compute it for arbitrary vector
fields. Given two vector fields
, we have:
In other words:
is defined in Eq. (22).
3 From Cartan model to base forms
Let us consider a class of the Cartan model represented by
satisfying the conditions described in
the description of Cartan complex of
. We will construct
follows (with
is defined in Eq. (22)):
We claim that this is a base form. The horizonthality is obvious, because
the differentials only enter through
. The invariance is also
straightforward using Eq. (19). It remains to verify that
is closed. This should follow from the general theory using
Eq. (17). Let us verify it directly. It is useful to interpret
as a differentiation over an odd parameter
The differentiation over
is not a trick, but actually a definition of the de Rham operator
. Indeed, pseudo-differential forms on
are defined as functions on
. Notice that
. Then our
is the coordinate on
Now consider this expression:
(the only difference with the RHS of Eq. (23) being
It can be interpreted as the result of application of the de Rham
to the
equivariant form
, following by the substitution
, we know that (24) is equal to
, with the same substitution for
This substitution has the effect of turning
and therefore