Proof of equivariance
1 Restriction of symmetries
1.1 New operation 
Symmetries are generated by Hamiltonians of the form:

for arbitrary

We want to restrict the possible
to belong to some subspace 
Let us introduce on functions on

the operation

as follows:
1.2 Definition of 
Let us say that a subspace

admissible if:
The requirement 3 almost follows from 1 and 2.
The requirement 4 is probably technical, but it is very convenient:
To any

corresponds a symmetry generated by

and this correspondence is one-to-one
1.3 Abelian 
The simplest case is when

is abelian,
i.e. when

for any


In particular, this is the case for theories
coming from BRST formalism.
In this case it is very easy to solve Eq. (
| | (for abelian ) |
| | |
not all abelian
are admissible; we also have to check closedness under

2 Proof of 
The proof is based on the following algebraic interpretation of
Consider the linear map:
| [space of 1/2-densities on ] |
| | | |
| | | | |
We observe that this map is an intertwiner between:
action of on half-densities in  | and | action of on PDFs on  |
| | |
This is true even when

. In particular, applying this intertwiner to the product

in Eq. (