BV formalism and string amplitudes

index  notations  supergeometry  BV-formalism  BRST-formalism  equivariant-cohomology  worldsheet-complex-structure  bosonic-string  omega  omega-BRST  contact-structure  transfer  tangent-space-of-double-coset  integrated-vertex  unintegrated-vertex  boundary  picture-changing  Heterotic-RNS  Type-II-RNS  N2Superconformal  twisting  pure-spinor  left-sector  open-problems 

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    Equivalence Classes of Theories

    Form Ω

    Summary of BV

    Ω in BV formalism

    Role of symmetries

    Ω is not a base form

    Equivariant Ω

    Base Ω

    Darboux coordinates

    BV from BRST

    Bosonic string

    Proof of equivariance

    Solving equation for a



Return to index

index  notations  supergeometry  BV-formalism  BRST-formalism  equivariant-cohomology  worldsheet-complex-structure  bosonic-string  omega  omega-BRST  contact-structure  transfer  tangent-space-of-double-coset  integrated-vertex  unintegrated-vertex  boundary  picture-changing  Heterotic-RNS  Type-II-RNS  N2Superconformal  twisting  pure-spinor  left-sector  open-problems