Definition and main property of 
1 Definition of 
For any function
, consider the following pseudo-differential form on
we will actually use just
is closed
Under the assumption that the form
is closed.
2.1 Preparation for the proof of closedness
Notice that for any even
We can interpret this formula using the notion of
Lie derivative of half-density as follows:
but we prefer to work with
instead of
, because it is
that enters in Eq. (2)
2.2 Proof of closedness
where we have taken into account the
definition of the canonical odd Laplace operator
and the fact that
2.3 Maurer-Cartan equation
We used the equation:
The strange minus sign can be explained as follows. The Lie algebra of the group
of canonical transformations
is actually the opposite with the Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields.
3 Infinite-dimensional case
Our proof is rigorous for finite-dimensional odd supermanifolds. But in field theory models there is a complication:
is ill-defined
implicitly contains
which is ill-defined on local functionals
(what is
We will resolve this difficulty as follows. First of all, let us define so that
just vanishes on local functionals —
This also affects the definition of the Lie derivative
which we used in the proof of
closedness of
. The question is, does the proof of closedness of
work with such “regularized” definition of
First of all, we must assume that we still have
This means the absence of anomaly in BRST current, an absolutely essential requirement. This is usually
encoded in the formula:
With such assumptions:
it is OK to act with
But this is not enough, because in our derivation we also act by
on functions of
. Therefore we also need:
We will now argue that we can always choose
, at least locally, so that Eq. (8)
is satisfied. Indeed, let us consider a finite-dimensional family
of Lagrangian submanifolds
in the vicinity of some fixed
. For every
, there is a corresponding Lagrangian
, and some canonical transformation
such that
Obviously, there is an ambiguity in the choice of
, because they are defined up to the stabilizer of
Let us choose Darboux coordinates
so that
is given by
Consider a subgroup
generated by the flows of those Hamiltonians which depend only on
but do not depend on
In the vicinity of
it is possible to choose
so that
In this case Eq. (8) is automatically satisfied. We also have:
This equation substantially simplifies many formulas. However, we will not assume Eq. (9)
for the following reasons:
such a choice of
definitely exists locally, but there could be global obstacles
in the formulas is a good consistency check on computations
With such a choice of
the proof does go through — see
the proof of closedness for a 1-form component of
, the
closedness of the higher components is proven analogously.