General properties of string worldsheet theory
When does a sigma-model qualify as a string worldsheet theory? The usual answer is that
the action should be invariant under a nilpotent symmetry But when we consider the pure spinor superstring, introducing a metric in the worldsheet theory
appears somewhat unnatural. (Given that we can consider an arbitrary BRST-exact deformation
of the worldsheet action, why should we specifically restrict ourselves to considering the
variation of the metric only?) This would suggest, that in the pure spinor formalism the
energy-momentum tensor and the
-ghost should not be considered fundamental concepts.
But which objects should we consider instead?
Such “pseudosymmetries” do not lead to conserved charges. However, they often lead to interesting Ward identities.
nilpotent symmetry
(this is a strict symmetry, not pseudo!) and
action of the group of diffeomorphisms of the worldsheet as pseudosymmetries
(requires BV) the BV Hamiltonian of an infinitesimal diffeomorphism (= vector field) is of the form
(requires BV) for two vector fields
Our set of properties is motivated by the necessity to have closed cycles in the moduli
space of Lagrangian submanifold.
It seems probable
that closed cycles only exist if we can consider the factorspace by diffeomorphisms.
Therefore, we should have diffeomorphisms.
Moreover, the construction of the integration measure on the moduli space of
Lagrangian submanifold does not requires specifically the
-ghost. However, we do want
it to be equivariant with respect to diffeomorphisms; this requires our
th axiom.
Another reason to want diffeomorphisms is that they justify the concept of unintegrated vertex operators.
Suppose that we are given the “usual” data: . Can we construct our data
from this standard data? We do not have a complete answer to this question.
In the special case when
off-shell, it turns out that the
provides a clue on how to construct
the action of diffeomorphisms. We must stress, however, that in the pure spinor
only on-shell.