is the worldsheet Master Action
is the generating function of the variations of the Lagrangian submanifold (for the standard choice of the family, this is just the usual
is the curvature of the connection on the equivalence class of worldsheet theories, considered as a principal bundle over the space of theories modulo diffeomorphisms
In this paper we will show, closely following Berkovits:2008ga,Tonin:2013uec, that the pure spinor terms (2) can actually
be removed by reduction to a smaller BV phase space, keeping intact all the symmetries of
. The resulting action is degenerate, and therefore can not be
immediately used for quantization. On the other hand, it is simpler than the original action.
In particular, the action of worldsheet diffeomorphisms in this reduced BV phase space is rather
transparent, although the explicit expression Eq. (46) is somewhat involved. We then explain
how to lift this action to an action on some quantizable theory which is basically the same
as the original pure spinor sigma-model of Berkovits:2000fe.
Formal application of BV formalism
Here, as in Mikhailov:2016rkp, we formally apply the formalism of odd symplectic manifolds in the infinite-dimensional case (the field space of two-dimensional sigma-models). This should be proven in perturbation theory, but in this paper we restrict ourselves with purely formal manipulations. We believe that supersymmetry will play crucial role in controlling quantum anomalies; therefore it is important that our constructions preserve supersymmetries.
Plan of the paper
We begin in Section Master Actions quadratic-linear in antifields with the general discussion of the reduction procedure when a BV Master
Action is a quadratic-linear functional of antifields. In Section Pure spinor superstring in we apply this to the case
of pure spinor superstring in
. In Sections Action of diffeomorphisms we construct the action
of diffeomorphisms in the minimalistic sigma-model. Then in Section Regularization we construct the action
of diffeomorphisms on the BV phase space of the non-degenerate theory, which is essentially
equivalent (quasiisomorphic) to the original sigma-model. Sections Taking apart the AdS sigma model and
Generalization contain summary and generalizations, and Section Open problems open problems.