Master Actions quadratic-linear in antifields
Suppose that the BV phase space is an odd cotangent bundle,
i.e. is of the form

for some supermanifold

(the “field space”). If

are coordinates on

, then

are coordinates on

, and “

” means that the statistics of

is opposite
to the statistics of

. There is an odd Poisson bracket (the “BV bracket”):
This bracket is geometrically well-defined, in a sense that the bracket of two functions

is actually independent of how the coordinates


are choosen. Equivalently,
there is an
odd symplectic form
(which, as any differential form, can be considered a function

(As a slight overuse of Einstein notations, we will omit the summation sign

in such cases.)
Suppose that the Master Action is of the form:

rather than

simplifies some signs later).
We will assume that

satisfies the
classical Master Equation:

is purely even, we can think of functions on

as polyvector fields on

. For example,

corresponds to the vector field

, and

corresponds to a Poisson bivector

The odd Poisson bracket

corresponds to the Schouten bracket of polyvector fields.

is a
super-manifold, then this polyvector picture does not seem to be very
illuminating. However, one can still apply the intuition of Hamiltonian mechanics.
The linear function

still defines a vector field; the derivative of a function

along it is:

. The quadratic function

still defines a map from functions on

to vector fields on

The Master Equation (
5) implies, order by order in expansion in

It follows from Eq. (
8) that vector fields of the form


form a closed subalgebra in the algebra of vector fields. They are all tangent to a family of
submanifolds of

which can be called “symplectic leaves of

”. As a slight abuse of notations,
the letter

will denote both the BRST transformation

and the function


Eq. (
6) says that generally speaking the BRST operator

is only nilpotent on-shell
We will show that under some conditions, this theory can be reduced to a simpler theory which
has BRST operator nilpotent off-shell (and therefore its Master Action has no
quadratic terms
The case when
is non-degenerate
Let us first consider the case when the Poisson bivector

is nondegenerate. Eq. (
implies that an odd function

locally exists, such that

Suppose that

is also defined globally. Let us consider the canonical transformation of
the Darboux coordinates generated by

More geometrically:


(functions on

) are pullbacks of


the flux of the Hamiltonian vector field

by the time

. (The flux integrates to
Eqs. (
9) because

only depends on

and therefore the velocity of


In the new coordinates:

-linear term is gone! The Master Equation implies that

Since we assumed that

is nondegenerate, this implies:
The case of degenerate 
We are actually interested in the case when

is degenerate. Let

be the
distribution tangent to symplectic leaves of

This distribution is integrable because

satisfies the Jacobi identity.
We also assume that

is transverse to

Let us also consider
the distribution

which is generated by elements of

and by

Eqs. (
7) and (
8) imply that

is also integrable. Let us
assume the
existence of a 2-form

on each integrable surface

and a function

which satisfy:


are defined as follows:
Existence of

satisfying Eq. (
14) locally follows from Eqs. (
11) and (
13), because they

. But we also require this

to be a
globally well-defined
function on

. Contracting


we find that:
Let us define the new odd vector field:
Eq. (
13) implies that

is an integrable distribution inside an integral
surface of

. Therefore Eq. (
15) implies that

is proportional to

there exists a function

such that:

. In fact

, since


We conclude:
Let us consider the canonical transformation (
9) of Darboux coordinates generated by

With these new Darboux coordinates:
Notice that the new “classical action”:
is automatically constant on symplectic leaves of

. Also, it follows that

defines an odd nilpotent vector field on the moduli space of symplectic leaves of

These facts follow from

. To summarize:

is coordinates on the space of symplectic leaves of

. We therefore constructed a new,
simpler theory, on the space of symplectic leaves of

This theory can be interpreted as the result of
integrating out
some antifields. More precisely, let us define a submanifold

by picking one point
from each symplectic leaf. Fibers of the
odd conormal bundle

are isotropic submanifolds in

, and we can integrate them out as
described in
In this paper the coordinates in these fibers will be called

(and integrated out).
Oversimplified example
We will now illustrate the relation by a toy sigma-model (we will actually run the procedure
“in reverse”). Let

be a two-dimensional worldsheet. Let us start with:

does not not depend neither on the fermionic field

nor on the bosonic field

(It depends on some other fields

.) We postulate the odd symplectic form so that our fields
Darboux coordinates
Mikhailov:2016rkp, as in Eq.~(
This action is highly degenerate; the path integral

is undefined
(infinity from integrating over

times zero from integrating over

). To regularize

let us introduce a new field-antifield pair

, where

is a bosonic 1-form on the
worldsheet and

is a fermionic 1-form on the worldsheet:
The total odd symplectic form is postulated as follows:

is the field space differential,
not the worldsheet differential).
Let us add

to the BV action:
(Notice that this

does not involve the worldsheet metric.) This corresponds to:

is the field space differential,
not the worldsheet differential). In this case

is the subspace of the tangent space generated by

, and

is generated by

Then, shift the Lagrangian submanifold by a gauge fermion:
This results in the new classical action:
Here we have run the procedure of Section
Master Actions quadratic-linear in antifields “in reverse”. That is, Eq. (
21) is an example
of the

of Eq. (
4), and Eq. (
19) is an example of the “split” Eq. (
10). Notice that

is degenerate, as it does not involve


. Because of that, the

of Eq. (
19) is
not constant as in Eq. (
18), but just independent of

. The vector field

is the

-part of

, as in Eq.~(
This is, still, not a quantizable action (the kinetic term for
is a total derivative).
One particular way of choosing a Lagrangian submanifold leading to quantizable action is
to treat
asymmetrically (pick a worldsheet complex structure),
see section on A-model in AKSZAlexandrov:1995kv and Section Constraint surface and its conormal bundle of this paper. This requires more than one
flavour of