A minimalistic pure spinor sigma-model in AdS
Andrei Mikhailov
-ghost of the pure spinor formalism in a general curved background is not holomorphic. For such theories, the construction of the string measure requires the knowledge of the action of diffeomorphisms on the BV phase space. We construct such an action for the pure spinor sigma-model in
. From the point of view of the BV formalism, this sigma-model belongs to the class of theories where the expansion of the Master Action in antifields terminates at the quadratic order. We show that it can be reduced to a simpler degenerate sigma-model, preserving the AdS symmetries. We construct the action of the algebra of worldsheet vector fields on the BV phase space of this minimalistic sigma-model, and explain how to lift it to the original model.
Master Actions quadratic-linear in antifields
Pure spinor superstring in
Action of diffeomorphisms
Taking apart the AdS sigma model
Open problems
The projector
BRST variation of the-tensor